Friday, September 25, 2015

FanGirl By Rainbow Rowell

I  just finished my first Rainbow Rowell book and I'm still in awe of the shear perfection that novel seemed to have from start to finish. I'm currently a freshmen at college, so when I started reading this book I could related one hundred and ten percent. Fun fact, when I first moved into my dorm (which is a triple by the way) my roommates went to lunch without me because I still had to unpack, and immediately after they left I sat on the cold tile floor of my dorm and started hysterically crying.

College is scary, I'm not going to lie, especially due to the fact that now I have to worry about boys going to my school instead of just girls, but thats besides the point. The point is when I started this book I felt this undeniable connection with it. Which probably seems a little crazy, but I feel like that with most books. College isn't as scary as it seems, which is really hard to believe but its the truth. And this advice is coming from a girl who afraid of basically everything. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can do it.

I loved how Rowell aways put an excerpt of either the fan-fiction or the Simon Snow story before each chapter. I also loved how we got to see a piece of Cath's fiction writing piece at the very end. I admit, I wished there were more Reagan and Cath scenes because those parts some of my favorite parts. However, the thing I admire most about this book is Cath's connection to Simon Snow. Even going to college, she didn't let it go, despite the fact that some people probably would have made fun of her for it. When your hurt and in the process of healing I believe you latch onto something, weather it be a fictional character or a tv show or etc. Something or someone who will always be there no matter what.

I love stories that seem totally unrelated, but in the end in all comes together giving me that feeling inside me, that I have absolutely no idea how to explain, but its a mix of amazement, admiration, shocking, genuine, happy, sad, and every emotion in between all at once. I haven't thought of a word for that yet but I will eventually. I didn't get this all in one moment in this novel because the plot was thought out so well, it built up to something- then ended, and then built back up again. It was a change of pace for me that I liked.

Not sure what book I'm planning on reading next, but i'll keep you updated :)

Yours Truly,
          Paige from Pages on Pages