Wednesday, January 6, 2016

DIsney's Descendent's

Okay so I may or may not have a slight obsession with Disney's Descendent's, so after I first saw the movie I soon discovered it was first a novel. Obviously, I just had to read the book- my logic being that the book would obviously better then the movie, and as it turns out it was! However, it was better in a very surprising way and led me to dislike the movie a bit... okay actually a lot.

So before I start ripping the movie to shreds, I'm going to try and start with reviewing the book. As I said before I saw the movie before reading the book, so when I first started reading it I thought it dragged on because it was seeming to be absolutely nothing similar to where the movie started from (the movie being the sequel to the book). In my opinion the book only became interesting when I  started reading from Carlos' point of view. The book really went into detail about the life of Carlos De Vil, and in my opinion I believe he had it the worst however the movie didn't portray that at all. Everything event that occurred in the book was due to Carlos and his genius inventions. Without Carlos, there would be no book or Dragons Eye (Maleficent's scepter). The movie did nothing to show how helpful Carlos was or how smart he actually is. Mal was the mastermind, Evie was the smart beautiful one, Jay was the attractive thief and then Carlos was just seen as ... Carlos.

From the book we find out that Carlos' mother basically abuses him. He sleeps on the floor, of her closet with traps guarding her fur coats. We also find out, spoiler alert that he has no friends because he spends all his time cleaning for his mother and is also beat up by Jay and Mal. Then we discover that Evie, was banished by Maleficent because Evie's mother (the Evil Queen) didn't invite Mal to her daughters birthday party. Therefore Evie was homeschooled until a year before the movie came out. From the movie, one can assume that Evie and Mal have always been best friends but Mal actually hated Evie and planned to put her under a curse to sleep for a thousand years. Mal didn't let that happen and if you want to know why, read the book :).

Anyways another important factor that they didn't explain or include in the movie is Mal and Ben's dreams. In the book, Mal and Ben unknowingly dreamed about meeting each other without knowing who either person was. That is one of the prompting factors of why Ben stares at Mal for so long when he meets her, because she is literally the girl of his dreams. This is also one of the reasons as to why Ben chose to give the new generation, aka the children of the villains, a chance.

Overall I absolutely LOVED this book, however I wish they had written sequel book rather then just promoting the movie as the only sequel. Melissa de la Cruz did a fantastic job writing this novel and I would recommend it to anyone who has caught an interest in this :).

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