Sunday, March 6, 2016

Friends (?)

I never realized that people can change for the worse.

Of course I knew that people could change for the better but I guess I just assumed that everyone changes for the better. It wasn't until recently that I discovered that people can also change for the worst.

Going to college and leaving all your high school friends behind, or well most of them, is weird and sad. But you and your friends promise to see each other every break, etc, etc. And for the people who actually do this, shout out to my best friend Lady Gaga (she's not really Lady Gaga but thats not the point), I applaud you.

Sadly, this idea in reality most of the time is BULLSHIT.

I have a really dark past, like terribly dark that I tend to keep to myself about- and one of my friends who helped me through it the most out of everyone blew me off the week she was home from school to hang out with her school friends. As in the people she sees basically every single fucking day. While me on the other hand, she hasn't seen since August.

Oh and then theres the fact she also lied- saying how she was just hanging out with her family the entire week when she posted snaps showing she was in the city with her college friends.


It makes me wonder what I did wrong, when really I did nothing wrong. But friendship goes both ways. It cant just be me trying because if so i'm just going to stop. I deserve a whole lot better then that- and I absolutely know much people much better then that.

Sometimes your so blinded by the past, you can't see what's right in front of you.
And what was in front of me was NOT my best friend of four years from high school.

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